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Does Malaysia require travel insurance?

While the Malaysian Government doesn't require travel insurance for all visitors, it is essential for your travel to Malaysia. With travel insurance, you can rest assured that you'll be covered for any unforeseen risks during your trip. 

Malaysia travel insurance typically covers the following cases:

  • COVID-19 treatment: If you unfortunately tested positive with COVID-19 during your trip to Malaysia, travel insurance will help you cover the cost of the treatment, including hospitalization and medicine.
  • Medical emergencies: Travel insurance will cover any emergencies you encounter during your stay in the country. Coverage extends to a specified limit, which you can determine based on your policy.
  • Trip cancellation: In case your trip is canceled or delayed for unexpected reasons, travel insurance will reimburse the prepaid and non-refundable costs, which are determined by the insurance policy.
  • Lost, stolen, or damaged luggage: If your luggage goes missing, is stolen, or sustains damage, travel insurance will reimburse you accordingly. 
  • Emergency evacuation and repatriation: This ensures coverage for any unforeseen emergency evacuation or repatriation needs, including the repatriation of remains.

While not mandatory, travel insurance is a prudent choice for anyone preparing for a trip to Malaysia. It's a wise investment for anyone traveling to this vibrant Southeast Asian nation, which helps to enhance your overall experience.