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How to travel to Krabi from Malaysia?

Traveling from Malaysia to Krabi, Thailand offers several transportation options. Here are some common ways to make the journey:

  • By Air: The most convenient and quickest method is by air. Various airlines offer direct flights from major Malaysian airports like Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL) or Penang International Airport (PEN) to Krabi International Airport (KBV). Flight durations typically range from 1 to 2 hours.
  • By Bus and Ferry: If you prefer a combination of bus and ferry travel, you can take a bus from Malaysia to Hat Yai, a border town. From Hat Yai, you can then take a bus or minivan to Krabi. Local transportation or taxis in Krabi can then connect you to different beaches and islands.
  • By Train and Bus: Another option is to take a train from Malaysia to Padang Besar, a border town. From there, continue your journey to Hat Yai by bus or minivan. Once in Hat Yai, take another bus or minivan to Krabi.
  • By Car: If you prefer driving, you can travel from Malaysia to Krabi by car. Drive to the Malaysia-Thailand border checkpoint at Bukit Kayu Hitam (near Perlis) or Padang Besar (near Perlis and Kedah). After clearing immigration and customs, continue driving to Krabi. Travel time will vary based on your starting point in Malaysia and your chosen route.