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How to get to Vang Vieng from Bangkok?

Traveling from Bangkok, Thailand to Vang Vieng, Laos involves crossing international borders and requires a combination of transportation options. Here's our general guide on how to get from Bangkok to Vang Vieng:

1. Bangkok to Nong Khai (Thailand):

Start by taking a train or bus from Bangkok to Nong Khai, a city in northeastern Thailand near the Laos border. If you choose to take the train from Bangkok to Nong Khai, the trains are completely comfortable and enjoyable.

If you choose to take the train from Bangkok to Nong Khai, the trains are completely comfortable and enjoyable. The train journey offers a scenic route and comfortable sleeper options, while buses provide a quicker alternative.

2. Crossing the Thai-Lao Border:

As the train can be delayed, which is often the case, you may miss the train to the border. But don't worry, there are many tuk-tuks waiting for the train to arrive.

Shuttle bus crossing the bridge into Laos from the Laos/Thailand border. You need to pay 60 Baht for the shuttle bus (your younger child can be free)

3. Vientiane to Vang Vieng:

Once in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, you can continue your journey to Vang Vieng. You have several options:

  • Bus: There are direct buses from Vientiane to Vang Vieng. The bus ride takes around 3-4 hours, depending on road conditions and stops along the way.
  • Minivan: Shared minivans are also available for this route, offering a quicker journey compared to buses.
  • Private Transfer: If you prefer more comfort and convenience, you can arrange for a private transfer or hire a driver to take you directly to Vang Vieng.

Read more: Travel To Laos From Thailand


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